On Monday June 8, the first Martin Gaus Dierenwelzijnskeurmerk (quality mark for pet welfare) was awarded to Frans and Anjo Brock of Dierenwelzijncentrum In 't Veld. They have now officially become the first holders of this quality mark in the Netherlands. The Martin Gaus quality mark for animal welfare leads to increased visibility and quality recognition of pet professionals.
In reliable hands
As a pet owner, you want to make sure that your pet is in reliable hands. With this in mind, Frans and Anjo Brock have joined this quality mark. By wearing the quality mark, they emphasize the quality and professionalism of their company, which houses kennels, a grooming salon and a dog school.
Strict regulations
Quality mark holders are adhered to strict regulations. Professionals are prior and regulary checked in areas such as animal welfare, knowledge, skills, working methods and business organization. Annual refreshment training sessions are required. The number of registrations for the quality mark is increasing rapidly. All members will be listed on the new quality mark digital platform.
Training company
Holders of the Martin Gaus quality mark also act always as internship companies for new animal professionals. The Martin Gaus quality mark can be requested within all pet care disciplines. Interested pet professionals who work with dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, hereditary animals or reptiles can register by info@martingauskeurmerk.nl