Taking care of your puppy's coat, nails, ears, eyes and teeth can't start early enough. The right puppy care is important. And you’re never too young to learn! When you’re inspecting your puppy's body from an early age, you teach him to get used to taking care of his body. You can discover any problems early on and, more importantly, be ahead of them. The body contact also strengthens your mutual bond.

Puppy care: the coat

Every dog's coat is different. It is important to seek advice from your puppy's breeder, or a good groomer. Not only about how to brush, comb or cut, but also about what materials to use. In any case, your equipment usually includes a brush that matches the coat structure and, with long-haired dogs, a comb. Even if your puppy only has a short coat: start grooming early. Don't wait for tangles to develop!


Most dogs have a self-cleaning coat. Due to a layer of grease on the hair, the dirt will fall off by itself when the dog dries up. Washing affects this protective layer. Therefore, only wash your puppy when it is really necessary, for example after a dip in a dead fish or cowpat. Always use a special dog shampoo to affect the coat's protective layer as little as possible.

Eyes and ears

Check your puppy's eyes and ears regularly. Are they clean? Do they smell fresh? In case of redness or dirt, take action. If necessary, use soft cotton balls (no cotton swabs) and a special ear cleaner for the ears. For the eyes, use eye lotion with a cotton cloth (cotton wool will fluff in the eyes). When in doubt, always consult a veterinarian.

Sniff your puppy's ears. Do they smell fresh?


The nails of your dog continue to grow. They wear out on a hard surface. If nails become too long, they can break or grow crooked, making it impossible for your puppy to put his paw down properly and putting the wrong strain on muscles and joints. If necessary, trim your pup's nails with special nail pliers. Don't you dare to do this yourself? A groomer, but often also a specialist at the pet store, can help you.

Puppy care - Dental care

Around their fourth month of life, puppies change and get their permanent teeth. It takes a few months before all teeth have come through. During this period, puppies may be a little hungry or have less appetite. One thing they really want: to chew! Give your puppy suitable chewing material to meet this need. Keep checking your dog's teeth regularly, even after changing them. Chewing and daily brushing with a toothbrush and a toothpaste especially for dogs can help prevent plaque and tartar. Prins Train & Care reward cream in a tube can be very useful when grooming your puppy, for example to distract him while brushing, combing or nail clipping, or when learning him to brush his teeth.

Parasites - Worms

Worms are parasites that can live in your puppy's body. They can be found in the gastrointestinal system, but sometimes also in organs such as the heart and lungs. You can't always see them, but they can cause complaints. That makes treatment at the vet necessary. Did you know that puppies can get infected with roundworms in the womb or through breast milk? And that some worms can be transmitted to humans? Therefore, deworm your puppy regularly and / or have a fecal examination done! Puppies are normally dewormed after two, four and six weeks. Check carefully if the breeder has already done this. Then you deworm your puppy after three, four, five and six months. An adult dog should also be dewormed every three months. In some cases this can be done a little less often, but the vet can advise you on that. Read more about parasites with your puppy here.


With a puppy you also have to watch out for fleas. To check your puppy for fleas, you need a special flea comb. A normal brush is also important, especially if you have a long-haired dog. Do you have a puppy who likes to pee outside and jump in mud? Think about dog shampoo. (Using ordinary shampoo on dogs is very dangerous!)

Quite a lot...

There are so many things you need pay attention to! Don't forget our Prins CareTeam is always there for you!

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