Do you want to potty-train your kitten? Check out our tips!

What is (un)potty-trained?

With potty-training your cat we mean teaching her to use the litter box. Sometimes we also talk about un-sanitary, which means that your cat chooses another place than the litter box to pee or poop. According to cat behavioral expert Maggie Ruitenberg this is mainly due to a full bladder or full bowels and not being able to find the right place for her needs quickly enough. In this article we will tell you more about sudden immobility with an (adult) cat. Defining a territory by urinating is called spraying. Incontinence or spontaneous loss of urine is rare with cats. Uncleanliness is a more common problem, but has to do with the circumstances in which cats can do their business. And fortunately you as the owner can influence this.

How to housebreak a kitten

From the age of four weeks, kittens learn to use the litter box from their mother. You can speed up this learning process by placing several small litter trays with a low brim and regularly place the kittens on them. When a kitten arrives at its new owner, it’s usually already housebroken. But of course your kitten still needs to know where the toilet is in his new home! Show your kitten where to find the litter box.  If you have a litter box with a hatch and this is a construction your kitten doesn't know yet, it’s important to teach him and show him how to use it.

Of course, you do need to know where in the house the loo is!


  • Put your kitten on the litter box when you notice he needs to go.
  • Make the litter box more attractive by, for instance, adding fine grit.
  • Clean the litter box regularly to avoid bad smells.
  • Is your kitten afraid to go in the litter box? Take off the cover.

Keep this rule in mind!

Do you have a household with several cats? You can follow this rule: one litter box for each cat, plus one extra box.

Getting Your Cat Used to the Litter Box

It’s important to get your cat used to the litter box from a young age. You generally don't have to put much effort into this, as they naturally teach themselves cleanliness, sometimes even within a day of starting to walk. However, you can, of course, give your pet a hand! You can recognize high distress in your cat with restless frolicking around, loud meowing or digging.

Does your animal give you the signal that he or she has to go to the toilet? Put your cat on the toilet by herself (for example at a few fixed points during the day) and let her go for a while. Continue the process this way for a few days until your cat is able to find the litter box on its own. Note: reward your pet the first few times she uses the litter box, for example with cat treats or kind words. Chances are that she will soon get used to using the litter box.

We help!

Is there something going wrong with the toilet training? Do not hesitate to contact the Prins CareTeam. We are happy to help you with good advice! Do you have a kitten? Take a look at our other tips for raising and caring for them.

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