Did you know that, by far, the most itching symptoms are caused by.... fleas? They thrive very well when it's warm. Not just in the summer, but also during the winter in our centrally heated homes. 

An animal that suffers from fleas, will be extremely itchy and will scratch and/or bite itself, with all the skin problems that entails. Reason enough to be very alert to these annoying itchy critters.

Heat is a breeding ground for fleas

A flea determines whether it hatches based on the temperature, CO2 and vibrations in the house. And when it's cold outside, we all turn up the heat. Are the fleas inside? The higher temperatures cause them to hatch even faster, and an adult flea lives for two to four weeks. Since living in the cold is obviously not a solution, it’s smart to prevent fleas from finding your home in the first place.

Not picky

Fleas are not that picky. In addition to dogs and cats, they can also bite people! You recognize a flea bite by small, red dots on the skin. Fleas are not really fond of people, our skin is too bare for that. They prefer to be in the fur of your dog or cat.

One flea is the tip of the iceberg!

If you spot an adult flea on your dog or cat, you're really only seeing the tip of the iceberg. In fact, only 5 percent of a flea population is made up of adults. The rest consists of fleas in the making: eggs, larvae and pupae, which then grow into an adult flea. A female flea can lay dozens of eggs a day. Do you see one flea? You know there could be a lot of them around! Especially if the temperature is high and the air is humid, because fleas love that.

Do the flea test

If you want to be sure that it is fleas, you can carefully go through the coat of your dog or cat with a fine comb. While combing, place a piece of white paper under your dog or cat. Do black-brown, tiny granules fall on this? Chances are you have found the flea droppings. Now place these grains on a damp piece of kitchen roll. Do they turn reddish brown? Then you have proof that they are droppings from a flea after a blood meal.

Did you know...

...that there are cat and dog fleas? In both dogs and cats, the cat flea is the most common!

Anti-flea medicines only work well if you apply them correctly!

Get rid of those fleas!

If you want to get rid of fleas, set up a good plan of action to rid your pet of the critters. Do not only treat your dog or cat, but also all other pets and their environment. There are different remedies for sale, each with their own effect. Make sure that you use the right product for the size and age of your animal, and also for the species. Ask the pet store for advice and read the leaflet with the treatment advice carefully. Pesticides only work well with proper treatment! Research into flea control shows that in more than 60 percent of the cases the treatment is not long enough or frequent enough and that in more than 30 percent of the cases not enough active substance is applied to the animal, for example because the dosage is not right or because the pesticide is applied in the wrong place. So get good advice and information from a specialist.

Clean well

Good hygiene is important. In the case of fleas, that means regular and good vacuuming and regularly emptying or throwing away the vacuum cleaner bag and washing rugs or baskets often, at least at 60 degrees.

Itching or skin problems?

A good meal can help restore the skin and coat. Prins has many different options for this. The Prins CareTeam will be happy to advise you on what is most suitable for your pet.

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